6 top tips to prevent a cyber attack

Cyber attacks are becoming more and more common. Therefore, it is essential that you try your best to prevent these attacks from happening as they can be detrimental to your business. Which is why we thought we would give you some top tips to help you keep your business safe form a cyber attack.

Internet security

Avoid clicking on links in emails

Make sure you trust the person who is sending you emails and links, try not to open them directly through the email. If possible, type the sites into google separately and log on that way. This will allow you to eliminate any possible viruses getting into your system through links from emails etc.


Turn off settings that allows automatic download of attachments

Some setting on your computer automatically downloads attachments when sent over on different platforms. Make sure all your platforms have this setting switched off. It can be easy to download a virus if these setting are switched on, enabling you to download virus’ and spams.


Choose complex passwords

Make sure your password is secure and safe. Try not to create a password which makes sense as a word or phrase. Make sure you have different characters and numbers in too. This will help with the complexity of your password. It may be beneficial to use a password generator. Or take a look this site which gives you tips to create a strong password.


Update your browser, operating system, anti-virus software regularly

Making sure you have an up to date browser, operating system and anti-virus software is essential. It helps the security of your system and computer with the most up to date protection against the newest of attacks.


Encrypt data

All PCs and personal data should be encrypted so if hackers do end up in your system it will be harder for them to gain any access. Which is the best way to protect any personal data you hold on your system.


Purchase cyber liability insurance

If you do happen to find yourself with a cyber breach, then having cyber liability insurance is the best possible solution. It will cover the losses and damage, helping you to get back to business as quickly as possible.


If you would like to purchase cyber liability insurance, then get in touch with us. We will help you get the best cover suited for your needs. Click here for more information on Cyber liability insurance.

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